31 Dec A Year Of Loss
Today is the end of a year. A year we won’t get back, and for some, a year we would never want to repeat. For me I have said that 2017 was a year of loss. As I reflect on the past 364 days I see what has been lost, for me: a long term relationship ended, 2 uncles very dear to me passed away in a months’ time, my Daddy gone too soon and the loss of my house… Almost too much to get your brain around. Trust me I have cried many a tear. I am not saying my loss is any better or worse than yours. Loss is lost. Gone forever. We all grieve.
But as I reflect I realize that I gained SO MUCH MORE than what was taken from me. I gained FREEDOM, freedom to know who I am, what I want in life and settling is not an option. I learned that FAMILY is extremely important…that through thick and thin – good times and bad – when we disagree with one another and don’t see eye to eye…WE ARE STILL FAMILY. Blood related (steps or halves) and those bonds go deeper than any argument or disagreement ever could. I’ve learned that my FRIENDS are my angels from God who step in when family cannot. And through this year my friends have stood by me through the thick of it… Good friends will call you out on something, tell you that you are right and even tell you that you’re wrong and still LOVE YOU ANYWAY.I’ve learned that a house (even one that you have loved and lived in for over 14 years) is just a house, four walls and a roof. That wherever I am (with my fur babies) I can make it a ‘ Home’.I’ve learned that time is short and life is precious. Too short for anger or resentment… NEVER ever harbor regret. Agree to disagree and Love anyway! Never burn a bridge, always, ALWAYS be kind, try to always leave people better than you found them. Tell people you love them, hug often, forgive even when it hurts…forgive. Forgiveness brings peace to your soul. (Forgive-Release-Let Go).Most of all… Learn from what 2017 brought you through. Leave the baggage of sadness, anger and grief behind and walk into the New Year with a fresh slate! A new clean page! A brand new chapter that only YOU can write. Life is short and precious so Live without regret. Love unconditionally. And cherish every moment.Auld lang syne : Old times, especially times fondly remembered
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