24 Dec What a Christmas Present
Awesome news yesterday at the Oncologist! NO CHEMO!! Praise God. The Dr. does want me to take the Tamoxifen pill once a day for up to 10 years…. reason being is the cancer I had, can reoccur and by taking the pill it brings the re-occurrence rate of that cancer showing back up closer to 0% I am going to do my own research on it and talk to my Aunt Tina who works in breast cancer research to get better educated and l understand the treatment and side effects. But this is great news!…. and a real testimony to early detection. Everything I went thru was not fun, and for those who have more advanced stages of cancer it is much worse the treatment they must endure. I have great friends and family and an amazing God who gave me peace throughout this journey… i am not sure how anyone can go thru this without Him, but I do know this, Life and circumstances without God are much harder.My radiation side affects are wearing off, the soreness and pain lessens with each day and my range of motion with my right arm gets better too (that’s my predominant arm). I am thankful and blessed beyond measure for the out pouring of love and compassion. Everything you all poured out on me, I want to pour out on others. …”love one another as I have loved you….” Thank you my angels here on earth! Merry Christmas!!
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